Care and Beauty

Laser and Photo Epilation

Lazer ve Foto Epilasyon Laser and Photo Epilation

Photoepilation is the photoepilation method, in other words, the IPL method, aimed at destroying hair follicles with concentrated light energy. Aesthetic Purpose IPL Devices (Intense Pulsed Light) are devices that provide photo epilation by using concentrated light energy.

In the epilation method made with this system, high-energy rays are sent to the treated area. As a result of the capture of these rays by the “melanin” pigment around the hair follicles, the heat energy released causes destruction in the hair follicles.

The beam aims to destroy the hairs and their regrowth. The target of the beam is the color cells around the hair follicle. For this reason, the success of epilation is directly proportional to the color of the hair, and the darker the hair color, the higher the success rate, and the lighter the color, the lower the success rate. It is not effective at all on white hairs, and the chance of success is very low on fine hairs. Thanks to the flexibility of the device used, it is also easy to process on the back, shoulders, abdomen and legs, where epilation on the body is difficult, and the chance of success increases.



Laser epilation (laser epilation) provides getting rid of unwanted hair with the effect of some light sources with certain wavelengths. The laser light suitable for the skin selectively concentrates on the hair root, transforms into heat and destroys only the root itself and the core cell without damaging the surrounding tissue.

Alexandrite, Nd Yag and Diode systems are systems used for epilation purposes. Melanin has been chosen as the target as the working principle in all devices used in laser epilation. The success rate is high in dark and thick hairs with dense melanin, and the success rate is lower in light-colored hairs with low melanin content. Another event that affects the success is the skin color of the person, since the melanin in the superficial layer of the skin is high in those with dark skin, the risk of side effects is high and the success rate decreases as the energy given for the purpose of epilation will be dissipated. In summary, the success in epilation is directly proportional to the dark and thick hair and the light skin color.

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