What is cupping?
It is the expulsion of arterio-venous blood structures and lymph fluids containing toxic elements from various parts of our body using auxiliary tools (mostly cupping) and stimulation of the nervous system in the relevant areas.
How is it different from drawing blood from a vein?
Intravenous blood collection is done using large veins from the venous (dirty) system. Cupping is the removal of blood and non-blood shaped structures and fluids from the veins, arteries and lymphatic system by making incisions on the skin surface. Intravenous blood sampling and cupping are different things. It is not possible to replace cupping. It is insufficient to consider cupping only as the removal of blood. An important difference of cupping from bloodletting is the stimulation of skin surface nerve endings in special areas of diseases. These nerve endings are also stimulated in acupuncture for therapeutic purposes. In cupping, the nervous system is stimulated for therapeutic purposes other than bloodletting. In this way, some acupuncture points are also stimulated.
History of Cupping
Contrary to popular belief, cupping did not start with Islam. It has a history of 5000 years BC. Many Prophets from Adam to today, medicine and scientists such as Hippocrates and Ibn Sina have used this method.
What is the content of cupping blood?
In human physiology, harmful waste substances that we take in from outside and that we produce ourselves are excreted in five ways. These are the liver, lungs, kidneys, spleen and skin. In the liver, the most important one, harmful waste substances are rendered harmless by the detoxification process. This process may be inadequate today due to unnatural eating habits and fatty liver. The sweat glands in the skin are also used to remove toxic elements. This is the reason why people’s sweat odors differ between nations and countries. These harmful substances in the capillary (capillary vessel) structures in the skin and subcutaneous capillaries can cause circulatory disorders and sometimes activation of inflammatory systems called inflammation. This can sometimes cause unidentifiable complaints and diseases such as ‘Autoimmune Diseases’, ‘Fever of Unknown Cause’, ‘Rheumatoid Arthritis’. The blood taken with cupping contains waste substances and free radicals that the sweat glands are insufficient to expel, which will activate the systems that will cause these diseases. Cupping is the process of expelling toxic substances (harmful substances) accumulated in our body and stored in our skin at regular intervals.
Things to Consider Before Cupping
It should be done on an empty stomach. Eating and drinking should be stopped at least 3 hours in advance. 24 hours before, no animal food should be taken. No sexual intercourse 24 hours in advance. Sports should not be done, the body should be vigorous and medications that will disrupt blood fluidity and clotting (such as NSAIDs, Aspirin) should not be taken at least 12 hours before.
What is cupping done for?
It is performed for both treatment and preventive purposes against diseases. It is not possible to treat every disease with cupping. However, it has been proven that it protects our body against diseases by strengthening our immune system when performed for preventive purposes. For this reason, it is medically more appropriate to apply cupping especially for preventive purposes. It should not be forgotten that it also helps treatment against diseases. Cupping is one of the main methods in preventive treatment.
Can children have cupping?
It can be done from 40 days old babies. It starts with thin lines and then the amount is increased as the age increases. In children, cupping increases appetite and facilitates weight gain. It prevents frequent illness by strengthening the immune system (body’s defense system). Helps increase height and weight. It maintains the balance of enzymes and hormones that provide the development of the body and ensures healthy production. In this way, the child’s hair and skin becomes more vibrant. Cupping can help solve problems such as attention deficit, restlessness, indifference to lessons, excessive mobility.
What is dry-wet cupping?
‘Dry Cupping’ is the cupping process performed before cupping. In this way, the blood supply of the area is increased and anesthesia is created. ‘Wet Cupping’ is the process of removing blood from subcutaneous lymph and capillary structures with the help of the classically known cup.
How is cupping performed?
Vacuuming is applied to the relevant areas with a cup. After sufficient vacuuming is achieved, small scratches are made on the epidermis (the top layer of the skin), not exceeding 1 cm in length and 1-2 mm in depth. Then that area is vacuumed again and the blood collected there is allowed to come out.
Is cupping painful?
There may be very mild aching pain.
What is the age range for cupping?
Adults under 60 years of age can undergo cupping if deemed appropriate. As general information, cupping is not recommended above the age of 60, regardless of gender. Because as age advances, chronic diseases begin. The most important of these diseases are of course heart diseases. Unwanted clinics may occur in the patient with vasovagal syncope (fainting) that may occur in the patient after the blood taken by cupping. In addition, as the bone marrow ages in advanced ages, the reaction to the blood taken may be different. For these and similar reasons, it is not suitable for men and women over the age of 60, but there are exceptions. For example, cupping can be performed under the supervision of a doctor in patients with excess blood known as polycythemia, smokers and chronic lung diseases known as COPD.
On which days is cupping performed?
It is appropriate to do it on the 17th, 19th and 21st days of the lunar month (Hijri). There is no problem between the 5th and 25th of the lunar month, and the most beneficial one is the one performed in the 3rd week of the lunar month. Because the volume of blood and the pooling of blood in the periphery (around the outside of the body) increases according to the gravity of the moon, it is more beneficial to do it on the 17th, 19th and 21st days. If you want to do it for preventive purposes, it is more beneficial to pay attention to this calendar. The recommended days are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. These days and calendar are valid for non-emergencies. In case of emergency, the rules are eliminated and it is done immediately if needed. For example, it can be done immediately in foot leg and arm pain.
Is the time of application important in cupping?
The best time is the 2nd and 3rd hours after sunrise. On Saturdays and Wednesdays, cupping is not performed during the day. Since Friday is followed by Saturday, there is no cupping on Fridays for 24 hours. The situations regarding the days are recommendations from the past. Therefore, there are various interpretations.
When does the day start according to the Hijri calendar?
According to Hijri and religious principles, the day changes from the evening prayer to the evening prayer. This is why Thursday evening is called Friday night. Therefore, when the Friday evening adhan is recited, Saturday begins, and since the night comes first, it becomes Saturday night.
What is the appropriate season for cupping?
If there is no emergency, it is recommended to have cupping in spring and fall. It is not physiologically appropriate on hot days. It can cause fainting or even death. However, emergencies are exceptions. In the history of Islam, scholars have recommended it to be done every 3 months.
How many cups should be used for cupping?
Less than 5-6 cups may be useless. More than 10 cups may be harmful. People with hypotension are not given more than 3 cups of cupping.
Who is not allowed to have cupping?
People over 60 years of age with chronic heart disease, people with pacemakers, people with blood clotting problems (hemophilia A – B), menstruating women are not allowed to undergo cupping. In addition, cupping is not performed on varicose veins, hernia area and directly on skin diseases (psoriasis etc.).
What to do after the procedure
It is appropriate not to eat or drink for up to two hours after the procedure and to take a bath one day later. Some appetite may be restored after cupping. St. John’s wort and olive oil are recommended for rapid healing of the wound, nothing else needs to be applied. It is sufficient to pay attention to hygiene conditions. Protein and fat rich foods (meat, milk, dairy products, etc.) should not be consumed for 2-3 days after cupping. Again, sexual intercourse should be avoided for 2 days after cupping. It is very useful to drink vinegar water or honey sherbet after cupping. The common feature of both foods is that they are vasodilators.
Are there any scars after cupping?
If a deep incision is made, a scar will remain. Under normal conditions, the incision should not exceed the epidermis of the skin. If deeper layers (dermis and below) are penetrated, the incision in the dermis is likely to leave a scar. For this reason, cupping should be performed by authorities who are familiar with the physiology of the skin structure.
Is cupping applied to the scalp?
Yes, it is done. However, the application without cutting the hair has two important drawbacks. Since it is not hygienic and effective (efficient), it is more appropriate to cut the hair. Nevertheless, considering some social, etc. conditions, cupping can be performed without shaving the hair.
When and how often should first-time users have it done?
It is better for a person who has never had Hajjamah in his life to have it done at the first opportunity, rather than waiting for the appropriate Hajjamah season or Hijri calendar because it is more beneficial. This is because waiting for the appropriate day will cause the existing allergens/toxic substances in the blood to spread/increase. For someone who has never had cupping, it would be a preventive measure for many possible diseases if he/she had back, head and knee cupping at one month intervals, and then had it three or four times a year on a regular basis.
Is it allowed for pregnant women?
Except for the first 3 months of the baby’s development, cupping can also be performed for pregnant women.
How often is cupping performed?
Preventive cupping is recommended for healthy adults 2-3 times a year. If it is performed for disease purposes, it should be done within the framework of the program made by the doctor. This can sometimes be once a month or every few weeks. The most useful cupping is the cupping done before you get sick.
Which areas are not treated?
It is not performed in the nape of the neck and in the fontanel area in infants. It can cause forgetfulness and permanent visual defects in adults. In infants, permanent brain damage may occur due to increased pressure.
What are the points of cupping?
There are approximately 40 ESSENTIAL points on the body to be cupped.
The back of the head, temporal region, forehead region, neck region, shoulders, between the shoulder blades, under the ear, under the shoulder blades, waist region, coccyx, knee region, back of the calves, ankle region, heel region are some of these points.
There is no standard cupping point for diseases. The etiology of each disease should be determined and cupping should be performed accordingly.
What is a screening cupping?
Screening cupping should start from the back, first C7 (Du14), then L4 (Du3) and finally T5 (Du11) (the body first tries to expel toxins from these points, i.e. the main blockage points). Regardless of the disease, one should not proceed to other disease-specific cupping treatments without first performing these 3 scanning cupping (from the back, head, legs).
Is it permitted to perform cupping while fasting?
There is nothing wrong with it.
What is solar cupping?
It is a cupping method with a special technique performed from a single point on the back for children, those who are afraid of blood, and those who will do it for the first time.
In which diseases is it recommended?
Cupping is recommended for everyone of appropriate age and physical condition, even for preventive purposes. As a disease, those with migraine and headaches other than migraine, those with uncontrolled blood pressure, patients with polycythemia, smokers, people who get sick frequently, those with memory problems, those with vision problems, those with meaningless widespread pain, those with restless leg syndrome, those who work in overly stressful jobs, those with anorexia, those with meaningless (undiagnosed) wounds on the body, children with development problems, those with gum diseases, those with insomnia or problems sleeping too much, young people with attention deficit and lack of interest in lessons can undergo cupping. In fact, removing the body’s unnecessary inflammatory load is the first condition for the solution of all diseases.