Golden Proportion Measurement Chart
Symmetry, proportion and balance are important in aesthetics. Golden proportion design and analysis is a higher concept. The rate of the limbs of living things in nature is also compatible with this ratio. It is argued that living things and inanimate objects in harmony with Golden proportion and in appropriate sizes look more aesthetically pleasing and beautiful. Facial symmetry is also very important in aesthetic visuality, the reason being that it instinctively provides the perception that there is no congenital or acquired defect. However, this rate is valid for an “ideal human face or body”, which scientists and artists accept together. In other words, this rate may not be exactly correct for every person.
What is Golden Portion?
Golden proportion is a ratio that comes out of nature that people realize. Golden proportion is one of two numbers that, when added to the number 1, equals its square. In other words, golden proportion 1.618033…. is the decimal number that continues as in philosophical terms, we can also call the golden ratio “the ratio of the eye order”.
Let’s divide a line segment into two parts: Let one part be 1 unit and the other part x units.
In this case, the rate of the 1 unit part to the x unit part is equal to the rate of the x unit part to the whole.
A rectangle with a long side of 1.61803 and a short side of 1 is called a golden rectangle. This is the most pleasing rectangle. Old architectural structures were built with this rectangle. In an isosceles triangle, if the base is 1 and the sides are 1.6803, it is called a golden triangle. In this golden triangle, the medians of the base angles divide the opposite sides in the golden rate and make new golden triangles. In these new golden triangles, when the middle angles are drawn again, new golden triangles are obtained. We can do this reproduction in the golden rectangle. Thus, a logometric spiral is obtained.
It is possible to find these ratios in most organs and structures in the human body, such as the human face, human body, lungs, heartbeat, hearing and balance organ and even DNA.
Some Golden Proportions
Face Head Proportion